Crossing Ministry is a nondenominational, multicultural church. We remain an affiliate church in good standing with the Interdominational Church of God of America (ICOG). ICOG was founded by Bishop Leon Ralph and incorporated in 1976. Based on the 4 basic principles of holiness, evangelism, multi-ethnicity and interdenominationalism the ICOG seeks to support independant churches in fulfilling thier missions. Crossing Ministries supports ICOG each month by sowing financially into the ministry of the ICOG and participate in ICOG conferences, fellowships and retreats.
Interdenominationalism means we preach Jesus and not church. Ministering Jesus is always at the forefront of our minds. Interdenominiational ministries come from many backgrounds. We stand undivided by the doctrinal differences that have separated many churches. In the words of the reformers "In essentials unity, in nonessentials liberty but in all things love". We hold that the one essential belief we must stand unified on is the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:6-9).That nonessentials doctrines are not resolved by arguement but are dealt with by allowing God to reveal truth to His people (Phillipians 3:15-16). Lastly in all things regardless if it is an essential or an nonessential doctrine, God still calls for His people to show love in all they do (1 Corinthains 13:1-8).