Commitment to God is determination to follow Him with everything we have, regardless of how difficult it gets. It goes far beyond just believing in God. Commitment is the decision to walk the talk. The Word doesn’t discuss barely making it or just hanging on. Therefore, commitment is the expected practical result of having a belief in God.

Matthew 7:15-20 teaches us that the fruit of a tree determines the character of the tree. A tree that bears good fruit is considered a “good tree.” On the contrary, a tree that bears bad fruit is considered a “bad tree.” Likewise, the fruit of our lives is indicative of the level of our commitment to the Lord. John 15:1-17 qualifies this by instructing us that God has appointed us to bear fruit that will last.

James 2:14-16 gives us further clarity concerning this truth of walking the talk. To be truly committed to God, our faith must be at work. Literally! If you see someone who is starving or in severe need, and you tell him, “I’ll pray for you,” or “God bless you,” and you do not help him (though you have the ability to), what good is that? How can you say you are committed to God?

Consider the anecdote. Let’s say you want a job at McDonalds. You can apply for the job, get the job, wear the uniform, study the employee handbook, think about taking orders, dream of flipping the burgers, and follow through on your commitment to the point of going to work. However, without actually working you will lose your job. Commitment to god without being demonstrated by work is DEAD! In the words of Beyonce Knowles “You Gotta Work It Out.”

Work – what we do as a result of our commitment to God – cannot save us. Only Jesus’ act of love for us on the cross and our faith in Him can save us. Faith and action are synonymous terms and cannot be separated; however, action is the byproduct of faith Galatians 5:6 says, “the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Again, FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD!

When you see a need, FILL it! Our ultimate example is always Jesus. He was determined to follow the Father’s will and purpose on Earth. Since God is love, Jesus always had compassion on those who needed Him. Jesus showed compassion in the country, in the city, in the crowd, or with just one. When he saw a need, He met it.

Take a look at the following scriptural example is always Jesus. Record how Jesus filled the need in each case:

  • Matthew 8:23-27
  • Matthew 14:13-21
  • Matthew 14:22-31
  • Matthew 15:32-39
  • Matthew 19:13-15
  • Matthew 19:16-30
  • Luke 19:1-10
  • John 3:1-21
  • John 4:5-42
  • John 8:1-11


Social scientists and pollsters are drawing an unsettling conclusion from their research. They feel that pastors in the 21st century should not ask for commitment from today’s generation. However, an examination of the New Testament leaves no question about the total commitment that a relationship with Jesus demands.

Quickly review and record the difference between Jesus’ disciples in Matthew 8:19-22 and Mark 1:17, 18.

Jesus takes His disciples’ commitment beyond a simple definition of following Him when He describes it in Luke 14:26, 27. Obviously, Jesus is not telling us to hate our families. In contrast, He has told us to love our neighbor as ourselves (Luke 10:27). The point is, our determination to follow God must be greater than everything else – even our love for our family. Taking up our cross speaks of the denying of our own selves for the purposes of God.

Read the following verses and record your thoughts as they relate to Luke 14:26, 27:

· Matthew 10:37-39 _________________________________________________

· Mark 8:34-38 _________________________________________________

· Mark 10:43, 44 _________________________________________________

· John 14:15 _________________________________________________


Wouldn’t commitment be easy if we could pick and choose the areas of our commitment? Unfortunately, the Lord does not give us a choice concerning the areas of our commitment. Your commitment to the Lord should cover every part of your life. One of the hardest areas to commit to the Lord is in the area of giving HIM our MONEY.

Read the following verses and record what God’s word says about committing all of our resources, not simply money, to Him:

· Malachi 3:8-12 _________________________________________________

  • Mark 12:41-44 _________________________________________________
  • Exodus 35:21-29 _________________________________________________
  • Leviticus 27:30 _________________________________________________
  • Numbers 18:21-24 _________________________________________________
  • Deuteronomy 14:22-27______________________________________________
  • Deuteronomy 16:17_________________________________________________
  • 2 Chronicles 31:4-6_________________________________________________
  • Nehemiah 10:37, 38_________________________________________________
  • Psalm 96:8 _________________________________________________
  • Proverbs 3:9, 10 _________________________________________________
  • Luke 6:38 _________________________________________________
  • Acts 20:35 _________________________________________________
  • 1 Corinthians 16:1-3________________________________________________
  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-14________________________________________________

God clearly requires a tithe (tenth) from us as well as an offering. He promises to bless those who follow through on their commitment to give to God. Keep in mind that you can never out-give God!

A problem arises when giving becomes hypocritical or comes from a legalistic sense of duty or obligation and not from the heart. 2 Corinthians 9:7 shows us that God loves a cheerful giver (even though He’ll take an offering from a grouch). It’s the attitude we have when we put our faith into the action of commitment that matters most to God.

Examine your life for a moment. How does your definition of total commitment to God, taken from Luke 14:26, 27 and the associated verses, apply to each of the following areas?

· Other people you know who don’t know Jesus. ___________________________

· Your church. __________________________________________________

· Your family. __________________________________________________

· Evangelism. __________________________________________________

· Spiritual Growth. __________________________________________________

· Discipleship. __________________________________________________

Having a determination to follow God regardless of any other fact means we must live by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). If we determine the closeness of our relationship to God by our feelings, then we use a faulty gage. Our commitment to God ensures that no matter how we feel, we know we’re giving 100% of ourselves to God.

Rough times that come our way because of our commitment to god, will not affect our commitment level, because our commitment is not grounded in emotions. We must possess a determination that realizes that God has a reason for everything; thus, we may need this experience for character development (Romans 8:28).



  • Daniel 3 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s degree of


  • Daniel 6 Daniel’s commitment
  • Genesis 22:1-14 Abraham and Isaac’s commitment
  • Job 1:21, 13:15 Job’s commitment
  • 2 Cor. 11:23-28 Paul’s commitment


Two learned professors were discussing the great thoughts on wisdom and the meaning of life. The first professor asked the second, “Henry tells me he is one of your students.”

The second professor replied, “Well, Henry does attend most of my classes, but he is not one of my students.”

It’s too bad that there are so many distant followers and so few real disciples. True disciples are determined to follow God. The fruit we bear in our lives is proof of our commitment to God. Just as each individual tree bears its own fruit, so each committed follower of Christ must bear his own fruit. You cannot borrow someone else’s fruit or get by because of someone else’s commitment. What fruit are you showing, if any? Do you see a need and meet it? How can you be more effective in meeting the needs you see?



  1. Evaluate how much time you commit each week to local ministry. Where is there a need you can fill?
  1. Evaluate your giving of finances to God. Set a faith promise to give liberally to the Lord regularly.
  1. Write a letter to you Pastor. Write and mail him a letter encouraging him because of his commitment to God. Express what you’ve learned today, and make a reference to either Luke 14:26, 27; Matthew 10:37, 39; Mark 8:34-38; or Mark 10:43, 44.
  1. Complete the Accountability Form.
  1. Contact your discipleship partner at least one time this week outside of church. Get this input concerning “growing in commitment to the Lord.”
  1. Complete Sermon notes for every service you attend minimum one.
  1. Pray at least 15 minutes per day.
  1. Read the Word at least 15 minutes per day.
  1. Memorize the following scriptures:
    • Mark 1:17, 18
    • Mark 10:43, 44