Boldness in the Christian Life


The Body of Christ is made up of people with all kinds of personalities and temperaments. Unlike many other faiths who want all their adherents to adopt the customs, culture and traditions of society in which the faith was found. Christianity does not require a return to 1st century living. Our faith is static ever changing and growing. Yet at the same time the truths of scripture never changes.

John 8:31-32 “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

We enjoy a unity through our diversity. The differences in believers only serve to make us stronger as a Faith. God calls the believers to stand on His Word and spread it to the world. Some believers are very outspoken and others shy and withdrawn. No matter what the personality type we are called to boldly stand for God, His Word and for those whom we love.

A Closer Look

If you have ever watched a boxing match you will notice that a tactical fighter concentrates on wearing down the opponent’s body. They throw several body blows in order to cause their opponent to lose their breath and lower their hands in order to protect their ribs. Then when their hands are lowered they are defenseless from a barrage of chin shot and find themselves knocked out. That is what Satan does; he throws a combination of jabs and body blows in order to weaken the believer into lowering their defenses.

Satan’s strategy has always been to stir up opposition to the church so we will be intimidated into silence and compromise. It was true in the first century and it is still true today. Satan wants to rob us of our joy, our power and our witness. If Satan can wear down the believer he can shut their close their mouth to social injustice, sin and evangelism.

In WWII Germany Hitler’s Nazi’s arrested and executed many people. They would focus on certain groups of people while others watched. People did not get involved because of fear and indifference. The following poem describes the tragedy for all when we do not stand boldly for what is right.

First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up,because I wasn’t a Communist.Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up,because I wasn’t a Jew.Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up,because I was a Protestant.Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.

Overcoming Fear

God’s command to “Fear not” or “be not afraid” is found 180 times in scripture. Fear is our mind reaction to any thought, situation or perceived threat that arrests our thought process or actions. Simply put fear paralysis our mind and causes us to not operate in accordance to Gods will. Godly boldness breaks through our fears and allows us to align ourselves with Gods will. Scripture reveals to the believer how to overcome fear.

†     The Presence of God Read – Deuteronomy 20:3-4

†     The Love of God – 1 John 4:18

  • The Spirit of God – 2 Timothy 1:7



In speaking of boldness we are describing a confidence to stand for the truth. Scripture is full of stories of people standing boldly to defend others but none of them quiet inspire us as Abraham standing Boldly before God pleading for the city of Sodom (Read Genesis 18:20-33). There are several things we can learn about standing boldly before God from the text.

  • Change can only be affected at the source. Abraham did not try to hinder the angels from their journey, instead directed his efforts to God who had the authority to change the situation (V.22).
  • Sometime you will stand alone. Abraham had no one to help him but he did not cower (22).
  • Boldness comes from doing what’s right. Abrahams entire argument rested on the fact that some may not deserve the treatment they were to receive (V.23)
  • You must choose the battles you are going to fight. At least 2 cities were to be destroyed. Abraham recognized that they were wicked and chose to intervene for Sodom where his nephew Lot lived but not for Gomorrah.(V.24)
  • Boldness does not mean you can be disrespectful. Abraham maintained a humble attitude but stood for what he hoped for and believed in at the same time. Boldness does not mean we are rude or crude to others. it means we stand confidently for what’s right.
  • You must be tactful and use wisdom. Sometimes you don’t go directly to the final destination but must work through the situation. Abram went from 50 righteous to 45 then on down to 40, 30 20 and eventually concluded at 10
  • Know when to stop. In all his bargaining Abram did not stop the cities from being destroyed but he did cause for Lot and his family to be rescued, which was his true goal in the first place.

Boldness For the Gospel

Christian boldness does not stop with social reform. Injustice is really only a small part of what we are to stand for. It has been said that we should always keep the main thing the main thing. the main thing that God desires to stand for boldly is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. therefore we are to focus on the gospel and speak out on moral issues only when necessary. During the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s a familiar mantra was spoken that we still hold to today “In essential Unity, In nonessentials Liberty but in all things Charity (Love)”.

Focus on issues, not personalities

In 2 Timothy 4:2 the apostle Paul tells timothy to preach God Word in season and out of season. We are to be like Timothy and always to be ready to speak Gods word. 1 Peter 3:15 reads “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence”. God wants us to stand boldly on His word and minister to the dying and lost people of this world. Believers are always to be ready to declare what the gospel is and the effect believing the gospel made in our personal lives.

Biblical Guidelines for Operating in Boldness

  • Should be relevant to You – Proverbs 26:17
  • Shows Christian Love Romans 13:8
  • From being Filled with the Holy Spirit – Acts 4:31
  • Cause to Speak Unswervingly – 2 Corinthians 3:12
  • Based on your Faith Eph 3:12-13
  • Pray for Boldness – Ephesians 6:19
  • Conquers Embarrassment – Philippians 1:20
  • Boldness Stands in Hand Times – 1 Thessalonians 2:2


  • Serving God leas to greater Boldness – 2 Timothy 3:13



When we operate Boldly in Ministry we are recognizing Gods authority to work thru us in the world. This can bring joy and zeal back into our lives, our churches and our world. We must always remember we are the hands that God has chosen to work through in the world. Christian boldness comes from Christians surrendering to God and standing for his Word.

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