Keyana Carter serves as Director of Kids 4 Christ. With a passion for Christ and a heart for children Keyana seeks to prepare our children to reach their potential in Christ. Along with the Kids 4 Christ team, Keyana is laying a foundation to root our Kids in Christ. Keyana is a wife and mother of three. She works alongside her husband in mentoring and expanding ministry.
But Jesus called them to Him and said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." Luke 18:16-17 (NKJV)
Kids 4 Christ
Kids 4 Christ Kids 4 Christ is a ministry that focuses on bringing our children closer to Jesus Christ.Many traditional methods used in church have kept our children from seeking Christ. Far too long our children have stood on the sidelines and watched waiting for their time to come. Then after sitting on the sidelines so long they grow up and quit the team. Our goal is for our children to know Christ for themselves. We endeavor that Kids 4 Christ go beyond just following a set of rules. Our desire is for our children to be lovers of God who are committed to Christ and lead by the Holy Spirit.
Children of Faith
Our children possess a natural faith and trust in God that often has been suppressed by well intentioned people. Often our children feel as if they are too young to be used by God.
Our children learn that they can be used to accomplish God’s will in just the same as He uses adults. At Kids 4 Christ we teach children to exercise their faith through prayer and service. As prayers are answered and they see the fruit of their labors their faith in God grows. The results often lead to children who possess more faith than their own parents.
Children of Righteousness
By hiding the word in our heart we learn how not to sin against God (Psalm 119:11). At Kids 4 Christ we not only teach our children what the word of God says. We teach them how to apply the word to their lives. The scriptures are explained in a simple fashion. Activities and memory verses are designed to reinforce what they have learned. The scriptures they remember and apply will be with them for a lifetime.We are part of the village raising up children of righteous living. We partner with our parents and work with them to reinforce the godly instruction given in the home.
Children of the King
Our children are special and have a destiny. Kids 4 Christ are raised up with the attitude that they can be anything they want to be. Failure i s not an option. Too many grow up thinking they wont make anything of their lives. At Kids 4 Christ we let our children know that God has no limitations and as they focus on Him they wont have limitations either. We make sure our children know that they are King’s Kids destined for greatness. A successful attitude coupled with the favor of God will take them a long way. We are raising up victorious Kids 4 Christ.